Eric Hernandez is a renowned Native American hoop dancer who has dedicated his life to breaking stereotypes and embracing his cultural identity. Eric shares his personal journey of overcoming fear and the pressure to conform by showcasing his hoop dance, a traditional healing ceremony. Through mesmerizing demonstrations, he challenges misconceptions and invites the audience to...
Month: November 2023
For the past several years, Tulengua has made a name for themselves in the underground hip-hop scene. In hip hop’s landscape, few voices standout like Tulengua, a bilingual, binational and multiracial supergroup out of San Diego. Tulengua’s music features live instrumentation and sampling from a variety of genres such as hip-hop, psychedelic, progressive rock, soul,...
Lula XYZ
It would be unsurprising to find people talking fondly in years to come on how lucky they were to see OommoO, before Lula Mebrahtu took to the stratosphere. Created, and performed by Ethiopian migrant Lula Mebrahtu, aka Eclipse award and Oram award-winning musician LULA.XYZ, OommoO, stands alone., it defies easy classification. An expansion of her earlier...